Monday 28 March 2011

Response to the brief

At first I was unsure of what an intervention is, but after a talk with a lecturer I have managed to come up with an idea. For my intervention I am going to edit an existing celebrity page, my original thoughts for this were to go onto a celebrity page, and make all of them appear as bad as I can. After looking through many different websites such as Now, Hello and Glamour Magazine, I noticed that they all seem to do a very good job of making celebrities look bad as it is. So instead of doing this, I have now decided to go the other way with this intervention and turn around the Media's look on celebrities lifestyles.
What I wish to achieve from this is to change peoples looks on celebrity lives, to stop people looking for the floors other people may have and only being interested in the gossip that they can find. I want people to see that celebrities have normal lives like everyone else and only show the highlights of their lives. For this intervention I won't rely on real facts when changing around the lives of celebrities.

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