Thursday 31 March 2011


Overall I feel that my intervention went well, and I achieved what I set out and aimed to do. If I had the chance to do this intervention again I would start from scratch and remake the whole website, I would then upload it to the internet and make it viral. This would give me feedback on what other people think about the intervention and get my word out to the world.

Wednesday 30 March 2011

My audience and effect of my intervention

My intervention would be used for online celebrity pages, but this could also be taken further and be used for magazines and newspapers as well.
This will help to change the way we see celebrities and will also protect celebrities from embarassing stories, bad photos, bad publicity and vicious rumours.
My target audience for this intervention will be fans of celebrities, not having to read rumours and bad stories about people, but also the celebrities themselves to protect them against bad publicity.
This will help celebrities maintain a quiet lifestyle without having to read a lot of gossip about themselves, and will show the good side of them to their fans.
To get my intervention well known to the world I would have to upload it online, and make people aware of what I am doing, this would have to go viral through social networking websites, word of mouth, maybe even advertising.

Plans and how I made the intervention

My plans for this intervention is to cover up bad stories, quotes, photos and publicity that celebrities have. All over the media there are rumours, gossip and embarrassing stories and photos of celebrities. It's very rare that we get to see the good side of them and this is what I plan to change in my intervention.
To start with I looked around celebrity pages to get an idea of what type of publicity is around. I found plenty of embarrassing stories, but I wanted to focus on a celebrity that I have heard a lot about recently, and so I plan to change one of the embarrassing stories that I have found about Amy Winehouse.
To start with I looked through all the 'celebrity profile' pages that I could find and looked at the Amy Winehouse stories, I found a page that I liked on
To edit this page, I started by editing the biography that suprisingly wasn't too bad. I then decided to edit the 'Ronson Furious As Winehouse Makes A Boob Out Of Herself' story. I found this a good story to edit because it is an emabarrassing story about her which is what I am trying to stop with my intervention.
The story is about Amy Winehouse and Mark Ronson doing there show together, and Amy Winehouse gets drunk and takes out her breasts. To change this story I couldn't just edit some words, so instead I made up a story about her saving the show when there was a power outage. I also edited a photo of her as seen below. The original shows her with her breats out and I edited it.

I also decided to edit a story that linked from the same page showing Kelly Osbourne owing $30k in taxes. I thought a nice was to change this would be to say that she donted the money to Japan. I also replaced some photos to make them look better, and changed a few quotes.  Here are the pages before and after I edited them.




As seen from the images above these are the 3 pages that I have edited, there are other parts of the pages that have also been edited but can not be seen in these screen shots.

Monday 28 March 2011

Past Interventions

I found it hard to find any past interventions that are similar to what I have done. I remember years ago there were a lot of celebrity face mash-ups and morphs that could be seen as an intervention but other than this I could not find anything else.
In a way I think that the celebrity sites that exist now are interventions as they portray a bad image of celebrities by changing true stories, making gossip etc.

Response to the brief

At first I was unsure of what an intervention is, but after a talk with a lecturer I have managed to come up with an idea. For my intervention I am going to edit an existing celebrity page, my original thoughts for this were to go onto a celebrity page, and make all of them appear as bad as I can. After looking through many different websites such as Now, Hello and Glamour Magazine, I noticed that they all seem to do a very good job of making celebrities look bad as it is. So instead of doing this, I have now decided to go the other way with this intervention and turn around the Media's look on celebrities lifestyles.
What I wish to achieve from this is to change peoples looks on celebrity lives, to stop people looking for the floors other people may have and only being interested in the gossip that they can find. I want people to see that celebrities have normal lives like everyone else and only show the highlights of their lives. For this intervention I won't rely on real facts when changing around the lives of celebrities.